The CEO Essentials Dashboard

How online business owners are understanding their business performance, making strategic decisions, and "knowing their numbers" with a "ready-to-use" dashboard!


You’re an online business owner.

A course creator, a coach, a service provider, a consulting agency.


But just saying the words “metrics management” gives you a headache and suddenly reminds you of 2,746 other things you’d rather do.

Because who's going to...

✸ Analyze data and spot where you're losing money

✸ Identify which strategies are the source of all the “unsubscribes”

✸ Study product sales and know which to boost (and which to get rid of)

You are. With a single click.


The CEO Essentials Dashboard offers insights-at-a-click, calculates metrics, pinpoints flopping campaigns, and transforms you into a metrics machine  - whether you’re short on time, know-how, or both....

so that you can make data driven decisions for your business.

Here’s how it works

You take about 5 minutes to plug in some basic numbers
The CEO Essentials Dashboard cranks out data and custom graphs that reveal next-level business insights your clients will pay $$$ to get their hands on



✔︎ Seeing in-depth data analysis (In a visual way that is easy to understand)

✔︎ Analyzing branded, professional summaries of your business' performance (that you pulled together with a few clicks)

✔︎ Accurately knowing which revenue streams are most profitable and which ones are leaking cash (without needing to go to business school!)

✔︎ Feeling confident in your role as the CEO of your business (That CEO Essentials Dashboard does for you!)

The CEO Essentials Dashboard calculates the following stats (so you don’t have to):

New subscribers

✔︎ Total subscribers

✔︎ Number of refunds

✔︎ Amount of refunds

✔︎ Year to date sales revenue

✔︎ Total number of sales

✔︎ Weekly sales numbers

✔︎ Number and dollar amount of specific product sales

✔︎ Paid in full percentages

The CEO Essentials Dashboard updates from week to week, tracking and displaying growth and trends so you always have the most up to date information you want and need- without needing to know how to interpret data and without needing to crunch numbers.

Just plug, click, and let the metrics magic happen!

The CEO Essentials Dashboard was designed in Google Data Studio (now called Looker Studio) - no worries if you’ve never used it; a clear, step-by-step video is included so you can follow along, pause when you need to, and in just a few minutes, you’ll have your dashboard up and running - even customized if that’s your thing!

Not only is the setup straight forward, but it also allows you to reuse the template over and over (perfect if you are. a service provider offering this to your clients!)

There are metrics measurement trainings out there (but you don’t want to go….) and fancy documents to record your info (but they don’t tell you anything). But the CEO Essentials Dashboard was specifically designed by a service provider, for online business owners so you can truly step into your CEO role.


Numbers not your thing? No worries!

Zero time for one more task? Not a problem!

Seriously not good at analyzing data? It’s no trouble!

All the CEO Essential Dashboard needs is your basic data - and it does all the crunching, all the analyzing, and all the presentation for you.


If you’re ready to see the game-changing insights into your business without needing (or wanting) to be a numbers person, without taking hours of time, and without requiring detailed document prep, you want The CEO Essentials Dashboard.

 The CEO Essentials Dashboard is a one-time payment of $47

That’s $47 to see all of your individual, customized insights into your business and make you the CEO you dream of being

Click below to access the CEO Essentials Dashboard and get personalized business insights with the push of a button. 


The CEO Essentials Dashboard


W H A T ' S  I N C L U D E D

➡️  Ready to use dashboard that will allow you to step into your CEO role and see top line metrics to understand the health of your business

➡️ Dashboard includes data for Revenue, Sales, Leads, New Subscribers, Refunds, Changes over time. 


➡️ Built in Google Data Studio (Looker), so no additional paid software required! 

➡️ Corresponding Google Sheet to collect data and power the dashboard

➡️ Video Training to show you exactly how to use the Sheet and Dashboard and ensure you are set up for success!


Let’s face it - as an online business owner, you are wearing a lot of hats.


You’d love to feel like the CEO you set about to be when you started your business. Feel confident in your decisions and "know your numbers".


The CEO Essentials Dashboard is your key to creating the clarity you desire. It doesn’t require more brainspace, it only takes a few minutes to visually be able to see your business' performance.


Meet Carolyn O'Brien

I started my career at different tech startups in New York City. The companies I worked for taught me a lot about how entrepreneurs and small businesses view growth - mostly focusing on the sale and forgetting about “all of the other stuff”.

I then started my own business and was introduced to the online education industry and the world of online service providers.  I realized that a lot of service providers were coming out of their training knowing they needed to support their clients but weren’t sure how (especially when it came to metrics analysis); they either didn’t have the time or skills.

I applied everything I learned in a decade of working in Fortune 500 companies, Tech Startups, and working with seven figure online course creators and created the CEO Essentials Dashboard to turn a pile of data into razor sharp insights that make you an invaluable component of their team without needing to understand the numbers or taking up hours of your day.

Download your copy of the CEO Essentials Dashboard and level-up your service with the push of a button.


The CEO Essentials Dashboard is for anyone who knows they need to be managing metrics for their clients but aren’t - either because they need more skills, more time, or more hands.

It’s a dream come true for Online Business Managers, Directors of Operations, Operations Managers and Coordinators, VAs, and Service Providers. 

Basically anyone that supports online business owners and wants to offer next-level service, stand out from their competitors, and see their clients succeed without needing a fancy degree, massive time, or extra brain space - needs to download the CEO Essentials Dashboard!


Frequently Asked Questions